Ezko’s risk management system is aligned to AS/NZS ISO 31000 and forms part of our WHSE Management System. Our staff are trained to identify risks and proactively report and minimize risk to reduce the chances of an incident.
Ezko management conducts further training and regular site assessments to ensure work practices and the work place are safe for staff, our client, and the general public.
All of Ezko’s management systems are certified to relevant standards.
AS4801 – Occupational Health & Safety Management System
ISO14001 – Environmental Management System
ISO9001 – Quality Management System
AS/NZS ISO 31000 – Risk Management process part of Ezko WHSE Manual and Management System
Cm3 – WH&S Contractor Certification
Ezko’s QMS documents all areas of operations and provides accountability and measurement at every level. It provides a solid framework for the delivery of consistently high standards of service and ensures contractual expectations are met at all times.
Ezko managers conduct a number of quality and worker health and safety inspections and training each week. Results are reviewed monthly by senior management and are reviewed twice annually by Ezko’s external QA and WHS&E auditors (GCC).
Ezko’s cleaning activities are guided by our Work Health, Safety, Environment (WHSE) Management System policy, which has been integrated into business planning at all levels. The company’s environmental policy applies to all activities at worksites as well as at Head Office.
Ezko’s WH&S Management System is multi-faceted and includes detailed processes and policies, extensive and regular training, consultation with staff and other stakeholders, internal and external audits and inspections, and oversight by Ezko’s Due Diligence and Safety Committees.
The policy states that all Ezko Property Services’ activities will be planned and performed so that adverse effects on the environment are either avoided or kept to an acceptable level while meeting all statutory and standard requirements. All our operations are based on continual improving our management systems which are certified to AS 4801:2001 and ISO 14001:2004.
Ezko has well-established waste management programs in place Ezko’s reporting capability provides its clients with timely, easy-to-read reports to measure waste and recycling performance vs. targets.
Ezko website client portal – allowing access of inspection reports, certification, WH&S audits, toolbox talks, etc.
100% mobile app, cloud-based inspection reporting
Ezko mobile app allows for on-the-fly reporting of maintenance items. Regular toolbox talks are conducted to ensure all staff are aware of this important duty
Time and attendance, rotational, and work order management technology to improve safety, productivity, and reporting of maintenance issues